
Are you desperate for a physical, emotional, or spiritual breakthrough? Are you wondering, “Where do I even begin?” 

If you are reading this, you’ve decided to dig a little deeper. I’m cheering so loud for you right now! So lean into that urge with everything you’ve got and consider this – shame may be keeping you from real transformation. 

Shame happens when we don’t love God and other people like we should. It’s a natural consequence of sin. When we get hurt, hurt others, or hurt ourselves, shame provokes us to run, avoid, or hide from God and other people because of the emotional pain it causes. Wounds that hurt as much as physical pain.

Shame shows up in perfectionism. It makes us afraid to try new things. We avoid the fear of not belonging by being with people who aren’t good for us and miss opportunities to grow and love. We unload shame’s pain with anger and frustration or descend into its sticky hand of discouragement as we turn on ourselves in anxiety, depression, and addiction.

Shame has been on our backs so long we don’t even feel its weight anymore or realize how heavy it is. And shame loves keeping secrets and hates to be challenged. But in order to move forward, we must break its silent control over our lives.

The Woman Made Well breaks the silence of shame with the curiosity and courage to access the power we must have to heal.

Hi, I’m Kelli Walker. A decade ago, I was a different person on a very different path. I “managed” my emotions with food and alcohol, which intensified unhealthy emotional patterns that literally almost killed me. I hid it so well few people knew. And on some level, neither did I; the denial was so blinding. Then, in 2014, my body refused to cooperate any longer. My liver failed. I woke up from that experience without a definitive diagnosis wanting to know more about the God who saved me but also with a looming question. Did I do this to myself?

This question and Jesus’ power – beginning with Him taking my craving for alcohol completely away in the hospital – began a journey of discovery for answers and purpose.

Here at Woman Made Well, I’ll share my journey to end the destructive cycle of shame in my life. While benefiting from health and helping careers, I am not an expert. I’ve lived the life I write about. I’m a woman who has been healed and is continuing to heal. Posts will share discoveries and the resources I found helpful. With the freedom to gather information from many different sources – not all biblical – to acquire knowledge, the wisdom and sorting fact from fiction always comes from God through His Word and Spirit. And I can’t stress this enough, being willing to follow His guidance. 

If you are struggling, please don’t keep it a secret. Seek professional help if you need it. I’m a huge fan of doctors, therapists, and pastors. I’ve utilized them all. Reach out to a safe person in your life. Just don’t keep quiet.

Your choice to be curious has the potential for courage beyond what you can even imagine is possible right now. Your willingness – with Jesus’ power – will be transformational.

A journey always begins with one step. Let’s walk together.


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