The Alpha and Omega of Our Health

Have you ever heard the phrase “calories in and calories out” as a way to sum up weight management? 

Well, my belief in that lie, my ignorant bliss about it as well, and my use of food have been interrupted today. 

Today, I have started to track my food intake.

Oh, the marvels of modern technology are that we can enter a word in an app, and it can tell us everything we would ever want to know – or not know lol – about a particular food item.

I’ve struggled with my weight since I was a kid. First, I struggled with bingeing on sweets and starches into adulthood. Then, I joined a program that helped me lose weight, which stopped the food bingeing but didn’t change the core of why I was bingeing in the first place. The emotional suppression that had been taking place since I was a kid.

And so, without Jesus, the craving turned to alcohol—that I couldn’t handle with my willpower. By the way, I’m forever grateful to my heavenly Father, even though it was terribly painful to go through. Only with the power of His Holy Spirit inside me could I lay alcohol down.

So now, after maintaining my weight for nearly nine years, I have been creeping up regularly since menopause kicked in. And since I have other health issues, I’m determined not to add further complications to my body. 

Lately, I’ve realized my willpower has not gotten me very far again. Yet, as a child of God, the Holy Spirit’s fruit should produce self-control, right? So why don’t I have that lately, Lord?

I think it’s because I’ve let my understanding of my relationship with food and body image be darkened. I’ve been in the dark, and I have to let the light in.

Partly, I didn’t want to know. Ignorance is bliss sometimes until the fruit it produces can’t be denied. Second, without accountability to help keep me honest and moving forward, I have been taking some emotional comfort in the starchy-bready, grainy love I can’t seem to say “no” to. Thirdly, I tend to think I can completely control a situation. Lastly, I forgot I need to remember God is in control. I need to remember that He knows what’s coming around the corner. He is the One that delivers me from hurting myself.

So I confessed it to Him, who is so gracious to hear and see me, forgive me, and help me.

Now I’m moving forward. I got a program and an accountability partner to help lift the veil of denial and ignorance. Who knows if I’ll lose weight? That’s not the primary goal this time.

I admit I still have motivations about how I look. I don’t think that will ever be gone this side of heaven. But now I want to be healthy not just for me but for others as much as myself. I know the heart-wrenching loss of someone who thought they didn’t need health professionals or to listen to loved ones’ concerns about their health. 

I want the promise of Job to see his family grow to the fourth generation. Job 42:16 

I want to honor God’s temple, where the Holy Spirit resides. 1 Corinthians 6:19 

Back to the phrase, “calories in and calories out” It’s because someone said it, and it’s been repeated over and over again. It’s said so many times and in so many ways that we start to believe it. And it’s a complete over-simplification of our body and its processes. Yet, that’s how culture forms our thinking unless we ask God to enlighten our thinking.

The Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:13 I look at all of the creation surrounding me – the variation, the color, the modes of locomotion, and the reproduction of all the earth’s plants and animals. I have been a student of the human body. And it finally occurred to me how absurd and arrogant it is to assume I can control things this complex in such a simplified manner.

Yes, technology has helped us learn so much more about the body. Still, I think doctors would admit the discovery process adds to the unanswered questions. Of course, doctors help us know what’s happening in our bodies, giving advice and recommending treatment. 

But here is what I’ve learned. 

I want God to be the Alpha and the Omega of my health.  

He has the first word, and He has the last word over everything. Revelation 1:8 

And with every step in life and health, He is the One I follow. 

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  1. Mandy

    I loved the closing sentences, so powerful! This really spoke to me too: Yet, that’s how culture forms our thinking unless we ask God to enlighten our thinking.

    I’m so grateful for His light in the darkness, He is such a gracious guide!

    Love ya Kelli! Thanks for opening up on your journey! Love your genuineness and authenticity!

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